The Joy Of Windproof

Looking for the best windproof jumper? One that surpasses the others for quality; an ultimate wind stopper that does the job? Whether it's for golf, sailing, working outside or if you hate being cold in the wind, don't let the wind stop you!

Discover the joy that comes from being toasty warm - and perhaps a little smug - in a Holebrook windproof sweater when the weather is blowing a gale. Built for the coldest of Scandinavian winters, Holebrook knows a thing or two about keeping warm. As a sailor, founder, Tina Karstorp, always needed an extra layer to combat the Swedish wind, thus the Holebrook windproof was born.

Modern techniques and materials have only improved on the original. 

Gun Hill is a Norfolk stockist of the Holebrook range. Many customers buy more than one. They tell us how much they love the warmth they get from this extraordinarily well-made windproof.

13 products

13 products